The Booklet with general information about B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus available here.
Founded 1955
Field of Activities: Laser physics, nonlinear and quantum optics, the design and development of new laser-optical devices and technologies for medicine, ecology, industry, metrology, protection of documents and information; development and application of optical methods for studying the structure and properties of atomic and molecular structures, development of new materials, devices and technologies on their base; plasma physics, development and implementation of plasma technologies and systems for materials modification; the development and creation of competitive products of micro-, opto- and nanoelectronics; particle physics, fundamental interactions, development of hardware-software complexes of calculation of of interaction processes of high-energy particles; nuclear spectroscopy
Subdivisions: laboratories of semiconductor technologies and lasers, optical remote sensing, photonics of atomic and molecular structures, nonlinear optics and activated materials, diagnostic systems, laser-optical technologies for medicine and biology, plasma physics, optoelectronics, theoretical physics, quantum optics and quantum informatics
Centers of Common-Use Facilities and Equipment: Center of laser technics testing, Center of analytical and spectral measurements
Postgraduate Studies in the field of: 01.04.02 Theoretical physics; 01.04.05 Optics; 01.04.07 Condensed matter physics; 01.04.08 Plasma physics; 01.04.16 Physics of atomic nucleus and elementary particles; 01.04.21 Laser Physics; 01.04.23 High Energy Physics; 05.13.05 Elements and devices of computers and control systems; 05.27.01 Solid-state electronics, radioelectronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics, devices on quantum effects; 05.11.07 Optical and optoelectronic devices and complexes
Postdoctoral Training in the field of: 01.04.02 Theoretical physics; 01.04.05 Optics; 01.04.21 Laser physics; 01.04.08 Plasma physics; 05.11.07 Optical and optoelectronic devices and complexes
Production and Services: new laser, optical, optic- and microelectronic, plasma, nanocomposite systems, techniques and technologies for industry, medicine, environmental and other problems; metrological provision of laser equipment; the installation of nuclear spectroscopy; spectral analysis and measurements
68-2 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk BY-220072, Republic of Belarus
Fax: +375 (17) 284-08-79